Martes, Setyembre 11, 2012

Changing Lanes

Have you been caught in a situation wherein you're about to go somewhere, but, you have no freaking idea or its crazily vague where you want to go? And to add, someone depends on your decision.

Left? Right? Straight? or go back? and the hardest thing is you have no idea what will be outcome of your decision? hopefully it will be the right one, but if it ain't the right one, you need to endure the pain.

Changing lanes is a very risky move and rewarding at the same time, risky in a sense that you might get lost again, when you're already lost, might get hit or swept by a passing car or whatever, or you can be at your destination faster than you expect or move ahead of other vehicles when and if you made the right lane.

Goes the same with life... many chose the right path... but a lot did the wrong one... hoping that am making the right and rewarding turn this time...