Linggo, Mayo 8, 2011

A letter from Mikay's heart...

To All,

I want to tell you a story and it begun last July 16, 2009 at exactly 2:45am, I said hello to this world, 1 month earlier, as to my expected welcome.
My doctors, didn't want me to say hello yet, but what the heck, I know that I can, so I didn't wait for the exact date.
Downside, I went straight, to the incubator, without even a kiss or a hug from my MAMA, i guess that's what i get for not sticking with the plan.
But am not complaining, I said, MAMA, please wait, let's just do what the doctors tell us what to do, for everyone's sake.
Don't worry, I can make it, I had Jesus with me, so don't worry. but of course, being a PAPA, it kills to see my MAMA and PAPA cry in vain, while seeing me in tube and all that jazz
After a couple of weeks, finally, MAMA kissed and hugged me, and boy i tell you, that's the sweetest day of my life, priceless.
Day's go by, when i start to gain weight and height, i was feed wrongly, of course, with my MAMA banking on a stupid recommendation from a doctor, again, i came from where we started, the dreaded HOSPITAL, i guess that's the little price i had to pay from being stubborn.
I just can't stand to see my MAMA and PAPA, shed a tear to see me go through some stupid procedure that the doctors need to do, like inserting a tube up my throat and nose to get some mucus out of it, to help me breath easily.
A couple of days went by, and i am A-OK again, my MAMA and PAPA decided to have me taken to a specialist, because of my fragile condition, and to make the proper administration of my health, to avoid guess works, hello, we're playing with lives here, so MAMA and PAPA made the right decision to seek assistance and help from the specialist.
I was like Stallone, I had my own, Pulmo, Neuro, and Gastro specialists, to make sure that am allright.
Years passed and my parents thought that everything is OK, since i improved, in a lot of ways, when i say in so many ways, i say in many ways, i talked in advance of my age, i was an active kid, so NO PROBLEM AT ALL.
Not so recently, i think a couple of months back, i was again, back in this dreaded place, this time in MANILA, because of my stupid asthma, that's what we thought, STUPID ASTHMA, whom really haunted me for a long time (until now, darn it, but i know it will be gone before i will reach my 7th birthday)
On 5th of March,  Tuesday, at 12 in the midnight, i felt it, my body went numb and i started to freeze/
It was really painful, so painful, it made me stiff, and made my MAMA and PAPA cried so hard. i feel really guilty for bringing this to my parents, but what can i do, even i didn't know where it came from.
To give you an idea how painful it was, it made me half-conscious for a couple of days. we didn't know that i had excess water in my head, where did it came from? who knows, i could have drank all of them, if i only knew.
But i know, i will make it, i had my savior beside me 24/7, so am not worried at all, am just waiting for a go signal from him, to have the water taken out, and to relieve the painful pressure in my head.
So the day came, and i went under the knife to have this SHUNT put on my head through my ear, to my neck, down to my stomach, but it's all good, no matter irritating it is, i know i need it, so what the heck.
During the operation, MAMA and PAPA, with all my LOLAS, LOLOS, TITAS, TITOS, ATES and KUYAS, even person whom we didn't know,  didn't stop praying to keep everything in place, and it paid very very well.
I spent a total of 28 days inside the dreaded place, until we were cleared and out of it for good.
And am not planning to return soon, not even in my lifetime, i just can't stand to see MAMA and PAPA go through it again. it always made me cry to see them in pain.
Like my savior whispered in me everytime i call it a day, be thankful at all times to all who prayed for you. and give it back to them every day.
So every day, with my MAMA and PAPA, we always say our thanks and praises to our creator and savior, and praying for all who helped me get through with my ordeal.



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