Miyerkules, Mayo 11, 2011

UrbanDictionary = kickass!!!

While browsing the NET (during my freetime in the office of course, wink... wink...), I come across this asskicking site, it's called URBANDICTIONARY.
Here are some words that I find, dumpfuck kickass shit, feast on it. (kickass, is my word of the day).

my phone's about to die - This is an expression commonly used to signal to another party that either a) you no longer want to text them, or b) you intend on hanging up. This is a smooth way to avoid answering or hearing things from other people.

carbon soldiers (personal fav) - Slang term for children, kids, offspring and rugrats.

Braggadouche - noun. A braggart, but one without the credibility to back up his or her claims. A braggadocio. Lame boasting.

cold finger - Similar to cold shoulder, except a cold finger is done by ignoring someone's text or facebook message--usually when said person's comment is pointless or uncalled for.

screen saver (i got a lot of this) - the blank expression that comes across a persons face when day dreaming.

Backseat Browser - Anyone who sits behind a someone who is browsing the Internet while continuously instructing them on what to click on or what to type into the address/search bar. Most appropriately applied when the advice or commands are unsolicited and/or unwarranted.

computer-face - v. to squint and kind of frown as you look at your computer to give the illusion that you are in fact very busy analyzing something vital to your work.

Googleheimer's - The condition where you think of something you want to Google, but by the time you get to your computer, you have forgotten what it was.

 fomo - "fear of missing out". The fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great

office quarterback - a manager that is infamously known for handing off their work and other useless assignments to you that they could and should be doing themselves

wikiot - A fool who believes all information found on Wikipedia is accurate and true.

brain boner - Something that strikes a chord in someone's thinking, creating a spur of "enlightenment" and stimulation in knowledge, especially in subjects like philosophy & logic.

Defensive Eating - Strategically consuming food for the sole purpose of preventing others from getting it.

workout impostor - One who walks around in workout or gym-like clothing to give the effect that they have worked out or gone to the gym today or are planning to work out or go to the gym today when in reality they have not or are not going to. One usually does this to make oneself feel better about their physique or to seem like they are physically fit when in reality they have done nothing today.

fappable - Something that is sexually desirable, or deemed high enough quality that it can be used for masturbation purposes.

microwave mentality - Having the attitude that if something can't be done in 5 minutes or less, it's not worth doing.

Russian Toilette - After sitting on the toilet to poop, you notice that there is less than one-quarter of a roll of toilet paper, and no spare in the bathroom. You decide to poop anyway, gambling on the fact you will have enough toilet paper to have a satifying wipe.

 Am tired, just visit the goddamn site. (here's the link http://www.urbandictionary.com/)

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