Lunes, Setyembre 12, 2011

Juvenile Delinquency

If I were to put meaning for Juvenile Delinquency, it's NEGLIGENCE.
This has been a cancer, not just for our home but for others as well, who terrorizes homes and streets alike.

It's a hot topic for now, because of the HAMOG BOYS, who victimize motorists both public and private. Their MO (modus operandi) is simple, someone will distract the driver or the passenger by opening doors of their opposite sides, while 1 or 2 of their cohorts are simply inching their way on the other side, waiting for the perfect timing to open the driver's or passenger's side door, and grab whatever they can put their hands to, hoping that it would be a valuable or a cash, on which they can sell or pawn in exchange for a RUGBY MONEY. So please lock your doors and roll up your windows, most especially if your caught in a bad traffic or hailed by a traffic light.

Our senate tribunal are inclined in amending the "JUVENILE DELINQUENCY LAW", am not an expert in terms of the homeland laws, but to my opinion, which am positive is close to the real deal, an age limit is set for one to be jailed if they have committed criminal acts, and those who failed to meet the required age will be put into a quasi-jail, wherein they will be counseled or whatever, in a nutshell, if you're under the legal age and you committed a crime, you will not be jailed.

Going back to my point of view, these prohibition is being looked at since, as per our government, JUVENILE DELINQUENT is up on the rise these past few weeks or months. Another argument is that, syndicates who's capital are these so called STREET TEENS are taking advantage of the law, since no one is put to jail, if they will be caught.
All of these are valid and intelligent ideas and arguments, but on my own opinion, you don't need to have an IQ of 1,000,000 to figure it out.

Like what I said, this is pure and simple negligence of those who brought them to this cruel world.
The Hamog boys and other thousands of street kids are treated like wild dogs, like litters of the breed, they are left out to make it on their own, parents don't give a shit if they will make it or not, they've done their part, get them in this tricky world.
Being a parent myself, it's sad to face this reality, that still they are parents who can afford to let this once adorable babies into a monster who will eventually will and currently victimize helpless people on the streets.
Having said that, like what my parents did, I would provide emotional, spiritual, physical and all the  positive "-als" in the world, to my litters, so they would grow up a descent and responsible citizens of our nation, like their pedigrees.

I know a lot will say, most especially for our less fortunate brethren, that life is hard and they are born poor, blah-blah-blah banter excuses, but as the old Filipino saying goes, "HINDI MO KASALANAN KUNG PINANGANAK KANG MAHIRAP, PERO KASALANAN MO KUNG MAMATAY KANG MAHIRAP" so please, let's spare our children from this miserable state of mind, if we're born poor, let's find a way to make our lives easier, in a good and descent way that is, or better yet, if your too lazy to feed yourself, just let it be yourself.
I know this is a far fetched idea but it's doable, it's just a matter of which side your on.

Another point of view is that The Hamog boys are no different from brats who grew up in a posh subdivision, who drives 5 cars, and all they do is party day and night , and will curse violently if the food that is being served is cold as a dead seal, who terrorizes their parents, their maids, village/mall/parking lot guards, private and public motorists, and other beings whom they feel hassles their groove.
The only difference is that for the HAMOG boys a MANGO is a fruit while for the latter a MANGO is a brand.
But to some it up, they are both the same, NEGLECTED TEENS. Again, this is just my opinion.

Hope a day will come where we can enjoy our ride and have zero concerns for all intersection stops that someone will grab our stuffs from our unlocked doors and rolled down windows.
This will day will only come if all parents will provide enough love and care to their litters.

To our lawmakers/senators, good luck!

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